Dinajpur Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022 has been publish. The Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB for short) is a statutory government body of the Government of Bangladesh, responsible for the supply of electricity to rural areas of Bangladesh. BREB conducts this work through 60 Rural Electricity Associations of the country. Its head office is located in Dhaka. It is one of the largest and largest power distribution company in Bangladesh. The current chairman of BREB is Mohang Selim Uddin. In 1978, the President issued the Rural Electrification Board Ordinance, 198 (Ordinance No. 51 of 1986) and Bangladesh was establish under the Rural Electrification Board Ordinance and it started functioning in 1986. The ordinance was repeal in 2013 and the Rural Electrification Board Act, 2013 was enact. Apply by looking at Dinajpur Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022.
BREB is the largest power supplier in Bangladesh, generating power lines and power substations mainly in rural areas. chakrirkbr.com. These Palli Bidyut Samitis are carrying out 100% electrification activities all over Bangladesh through house-to-house electricity planned by the government. Electricity is supplied directly from the national grid through 33 kV line to the consumer level through 11 kV feeders from 33/11 kV substations in remote areas. see the Dinajpur Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022.
Dinajpur Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Age limit: in the image
- Number of posts: in the circular
- Application deadline: 10 May 2022
- Apply from see the below

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Dinajpur Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022
- Improper use or theft of electricity. 03 years imprisonment or a fine of 10 thousand rupees or both.
- Jealousy is the loss of power or disconnection, or the connection or the attempt to disconnect. Imprisonment for 2 years or a fine of Rs.1000 or both.
- Illegal use of electricity or using electricity in violation of proper instructions. A one-time fine of 03 thousand rupees and a daily fine of 01 hundred rupees
- Provision of electricity connection or use of electricity by any person other than the authorized employee. A one-time fine of Tk 2,000 and a daily fine of Tk 100
- Disregarding or wasting electricity with contempt or cutting off power supply by doing harmful work. Fine up to 05 thousand rupees. jobpaperbd.com
- Stealing, disassembling, disassembling, or intentionally damaging electrical equipment. Imprisonment for 5 years or fine of 10 thousand rupees or both.
- Unauthorized supply of power lines by any person other than the authorized employee. One time fine of 03 thousand rupees and daily 03 hundred rupees fine
- Interference with the meter or obstruction of work by an empowered employee and inconsistent use of electricity. A one-time fine of Tk 05,000 and a daily fine of Tk 100
- Destroy any official electric lamp. 06 months jail or fine of 05 thousand rupees or both.
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“Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022, Today’s Job News, New job Circular 2022, Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022, Palli Bidyut Samiti job Circular 2022”